GODSWAR: The Spear of Athena, Chapter 20


So, they'd met some new people in an alley...




Chapter 20.

Victoria spread her hands to indicate that she was no threat; the others copied her. "We are hardly enemies, sir," she said, "Or at least I would hope not, as we have not the least idea of where we are, and have little enough energy left for argument, let alone fighting. My niece," she gestured to Urelle, "is exhausted and in need of rest. Now might I ask who you are, and why we would be in danger?"

The man – who appeared to be, now that Victoria got a better look at him, of roughly her own age, with silver well-worked through his hair, and was wearing a suit of unfamiliar but attractive design – tilted his head, studying them.

The girl hastened down the alley from the other side. "Silvertail, we won't have much time…"

Victoria felt her eyebrows once more climbing skyward, and Ingram's arms dropped to his sides as he stared, open-mouthed.

The word beautiful was not, Victoria decided, adequate to describe the girl, or young woman, before her. She was supernaturally perfect, something Victoria would have expected of a goddess or a servitor of a deity. Perhaps that is what she is.

Her clothing echoed her mystical appearance, somehow combining ethereal cloth with crystal-and-metal armor to make something that still said warrior to Victoria's senses. The way she moved also emphasized that. This young woman is exceedingly dangerous.

"I am aware of that, Holy Aura," Silvertail answered. "Where are the other Maidens?"

"Watching; we'll get a little warning, but not much."

"What is the problem?" Victoria asked, nettled at being talked past.

"The problem is that there are some, shall we say, overzealous protectors of this world who will likely have detected your arrival as we did, and they prefer to assume the worst rather than the best of people." Silvertail frowned. "We need to get you somewhere safe, but you will stand out. How…"

The girl called "Holy Aura" suddenly giggled. "No, I don't think it'll be a problem." She turned to Quester. "Um… sir? Ma'am?"

"Call me Quester."

"Quester, then – do you think you could pretend to be, umm, some kind of automaton, a drone, a robot?"

Victoria wasn't familiar with the precise words, but the idea immediately struck a chord. If the strange costumes were accepted here, then surely…

"I believe I could make my movements imitate a golem or similar construct, yes."

"Then let's go!" Holy Aura gave an impish grin. "ComicCon's in town!"


You do that too well, Ingram's thoughtvoice came, clearly directed to Quester. And it makes me shudder.

     Victoria could not disagree. Walking along in the little group, Quester made his movements just a hair too stiff, hesitant, mechanical, for everything from his strides to the way his antennae swiveled from side to side. Had she not known otherwise, she would have assumed him to be some dangerous alchemical clockwork construct.

It did not seem to bother the crowds of people around them, however – except for one or two for whom the realism of his appearance seemed to strike too close to home. They had to stop several times for passers-by to take "selfies" with them, specifically with Quester. More often, however, it was young, or not-so-young, men asking to "take pictures" of their escorts.

For they were now being guided by no fewer than four young ladies in outlandish costumes, along with the elegantly-attired man previously called Silvertail, but whose actual name was Trayne Owen. The former "Holy Aura", now calling herself "Holly Owen" had undergone some kind of transformation, and was now only mortally beautiful rather than transcendently so; her outfit had not changed much, but appeared… homemade, rather than created by supernal artisans.

The other three girls – Seika, Tierra, and Cordy – wore costumes of similar homemade design, from which she deduced that when they, too, took on their "Maiden" forms they would have equally perfect appearances and costumes.

Urelle was trying, with the last of her strength, to emulate the other girls' cheerful, casual walk and smiles, pretending to appreciate the other costumed individuals going by, but it was clear she was exhausted to anyone who spent more than a casual glance on her. Ingram is not much less drained, but he is far more used to playing a part, I think.

"How much farther?" she inquired of Trayne, who was walking next to her – giving the appearance, she was sure, of two parents with their child and her friends, lending legitimacy to their presence.

"Not far; two blocks – we have, fortunately, a large hotel suite." He indicated one of the tall buildings some distance ahead. "Just play along with our behavior, follow our lead, and we should be all right."

"And if we aren't?"

His lips quirked up in a grim smile. "Then they shall have to go through us to get to you, Lady Vantage."

"Fair enough. Though we shall protect ourselves –"

"Do not, if it comes to that. We have… standing here. Citizenship, identities, and perhaps a few useful connections. You have none of these, and if the OSC comes for you, it will go far better if you do not resist. We will find a way to get you out of their hands, if that happens, and it will be much easier to do that if they haven't decided you are such a threat that you need to be sealed away in a maximum-security holding cell. Or killed outright."

"I do not think I like this 'OSC' of yours," she said bluntly. She conveyed the warning to the others. Urelle was too tired to argue, thank goodness, and both Quester and Ingram accepted the instruction to not fight with stoicism if not enthusiasm.

"We don't either," Trayne said, his chuckle dry and cynical. "There are certain agents who are not so bad, but the organization itself… no, we do not like them."

Despite the presence of this looming threat, they made it to the hotel Trayne had pointed out, and after a tense ride in a vertical transportation room called an 'elevator', they followed Trayne down a short corridor and into his suite.

"Thank Myrionar and all the gods," Victoria said, and sank down without invitation into a nearby chair.

"Holly, show Miss Urelle to Devika's room," Trayne said.

"Won't … Devika… need it?" Urelle asked, eyelids drooping.

"No, she had to cancel out at the last moment," Cordy said. "Family issues, I think. Lucky, I guess, now we have an extra room!"

Victoria glanced into the room, seeing that it was not terribly roomy but did have a comfortable-looking bed. Ingram followed her glance. "I'll take the floor," he said. "You can share with Urelle."

"Very well. Quester?"

The Iriistiik exuded a sweetly spiced scent. "I could sleep anywhere. May I use a corner of this… sitting room? Leave my friends a little space to move."

"Certainly," Trayne said. "We still have some events we were going to attend, and while your presence is certainly of more actual significance, if you all need rest I see no reason that we should not leave you to it. We can speak once you are rested."

"I'll stay with them, just in case," Cordy said.

"I thought you wanted to see that panel –" Seika began.

"Well, sure, but not that much. Tomorrow I'm signed up for the meet-and-greet with Evangeline Joliet from Telzey, and nothing but Maiden business will keep me out of that. But someone's got to be here in case something happens. Or if it turns out they've got us fooled and they're not so nice." She ducked into the room obviously reserved for her use.

Trayne smiled. "You are, of course, correct," he said to the doorway. "Thank you for volunteering, Cordelia." He bowed to Victoria. "We leave you in capable hands."

"Of that, I have no doubt. I presume all of these girls have another… face, as did Holly?"

"Precisely. But we shall wait on the explanations – from you, and for you – until you are rested." He gave a brief bow. "Rest well, all of you."

"Thank you, Trayne." Victoria heard the others leave as she and Ingram went into the other room and prepared, finally, to rest. We are safe for the moment, she thought wearily. Let us hope that the moment will be long enough.




  1. Terranovan says

    “Evangeline Joliet” sounds like a disguised name for Angelina Jolie. I suspect that the protagonist of Telzey has the last name Amberdon.

Your comments or questions welcomed!