Demons of the Past: Revelation, Chapter 17

Time to find out exactly what the Prime Monitor, and the Empire, want from Varan... -----   Chapter 17. Varan: For the third time I entered the huge, enclosed sub-laboratory which seemed to be solely the domain of Sooovickalassa. The second time had been a few days ago, to run some additional tests which hadn't taken nearly as long as the first set. I had been able to talk with the reptilian scientist for a while, these tests apparently being much more a matter of having me present to be scanned rather than having me actually DO [ Continue reading... ]

Demons of the Past: Revelation, Chapter 13

Varan is finally at the Capital, and time for him to meet the Prime Monitor! -----     PART TWO: Mind Dances Chapter 13. Varan: "Welcome, Commander Varan. It is a genuine pleasure to meet you at last." "Thank you, Monitor Shagrath." The Prime Monitor had a handclasp of E-steel; I did my best to match it. I'm not sure which of us got the better of it. I could see what made Shagrath unsettling to Taelin, or at least part of it. The Prime Monitor wore a reflective sensevisor, hiding his eyes behind blank silvery [ Continue reading... ]