Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 11

  Where there are heroes, there must be a villain...   ------     Chapter 11.      Once more the scroll remained silvery, blank, even as the voice spoke from it. "A few weeks only, now." "Really? You have made good time. The matrix remains intact?" "Astonishingly so. I need only focus on my intended path and impression, and it brings forth the words, the posture, the gestures… everything I need." The voice paused, and in the silence it read something else. "You sound troubled, my friend." "It [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 10

  Now, Kyri had made a promise to Lady Shae...     -----     Chapter 10.      Zogen Josan stared at them from wide eyes. He hadn't moved for several seconds. It is, Kyri admitted to herself, an awful lot to take in at once, even if some of it tells you that you weren't crazy. Reflect Jenten also had the glaze-eyed look of someone hit in the head hard during sparring. He was the only other person they'd brought in to hear the story of what had happened in Sha Kaizatenzei Valatar; the ruler of [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 9

The party had set out, and that means a long journey in the wilds...     -----     Chapter 9. Poplock caught a tenzili on the wing and crunched down. The glowy-stuff the little insects used gave them a particular tang that he liked. "That's… kind of eerie, Poplock," commented Tobimar. "What is? "When you eat those things you end up with a glowing mouth for an hour or so. So I just see this little floating smile and sudden flash of you gulping something else down." "I didn't realize that! Sounds [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 8

And now let's see what might be the most tragic figure of the saga...   ------     Chapter 8.      With a slight groan of effort, Aran heaved himself over the sharp edge of the black-glass scar across the land. Ahead, he could see that the Necklace continued down a gentle slope a short distance away. If he'd been willing to walk down the dark-polished miniature canyon for another quarter mile, it would have ended due to that downward slope. But the slope rose again in the distance, and Aran Condor could see the [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 7

It's time for Our Heroes to set back out on their quest...   -----     Chapter 7.      "You know, I really hate to say goodbye," Poplock said, as he shook Hiriista's extended claw between his forepaws. "As do I, more than I can express. We make excellent teammates, all of us, do we not?" "Beyond any doubt," Kalshae said with a laugh. "I learned this to my sorrow… and my joy. A strange yet satisfying end to many things, despite our losses." "And one that's resolved so many of our questions," Tobimar said. [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 6

We can't go on without occasionally looking in on the OTHER side of the board...   ------     Chapter 6. "They … they seem to be exactly as they were," Bolthawk murmured, in a tone of mingled fear and awe. It followed the false Justiciar's gaze to where Mist Owl stood in conversation with the earlier Silver Eagle, Gareth Lamell, and Skyharrier. "Oh, indeed, they are exactly as they were." It chuckled. "I suppose your surprise comes from your first re-introduction to your fallen comrades?" Assured by its [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 5

They had made a hideous discovery...   ------     Chapter 5.      "It makes all too much sense," Tobimar said quietly. He saw Kyri nod, still pale under her dark skin. Rion had nearly collapsed after that last revelation, and it was clear that he needed rest badly. Now he and Kyri stood at the edge of Valatar, and he rested a hand on her shoulder. She started at that, then nodded again. "Of course. And fits perfectly with that sensation I had around him – the one that first led me to be suspicious of the Unity [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 4

It's time to delve into the mystery of Kyri's supposedly-dead brother...     -----   Chapter 4.      "Ready," said Poplock.   Kyri looked around the large, rectangular room and saw Miri, Tobimar, and Lady Shae in combat poses. "Do you actually think he's going to lunge out of the tube to kill us all?" she demanded, feeling a somewhat unreasonable annoyance at this suspicion. We don't know it's Rion, she reminded herself. It really can't be him. Can it?   "Expect, no," Hriista said from beside [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 3

There had been losses in the battle, and now after...     Chapter 3.      Poplock gave his own little salute from atop Danrall's shoulder as Tanvol's body, clad in a pure white robe with the pattern of the Seven and One embroidered on it in gems and gold thread, was borne towards the shores of Enneisolaten by seven people: Lady Shae, Miri, Anora, Herminta Gantil and another Color whose name Poplock didn't quite remember, Hiriista… and Tobimar. Tobimar had insisted he be the Seventh, and none had argued with him. The Unity [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 2

Phoenix Kyri had just made a shocking discovery...     Chapter 2.      Tobimar caught at Kyri's arm and pulled her back. "Don't! We don't know how these open, remember?" He caught her gaze, staring steadily into the huge, gray eyes, waited until they focused on him. "You all right?"   She closed her eyes and then nodded slowly. At that point, the recognition of the name she'd screamed hit him. "Wait. Rion? Your brother? But… he died in front of you, didn't he?"   "Yes… yes, of course. You're right." She [ Continue reading... ]