The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapters 2 and 3

Let's see what happens with Xavier now that strange things have started... ------   Chapter 2: Rescue and Remembrance Xavier blinked himself slowly awake. A room he didn't recognize. Carefully fitted stonework, painted in a pattern of sunset colors that made the room feel warmer, comforting. A soft bed under him, one that smelled new-washed. His head was slightly elevated, and looking ahead he could see the wall, also of stone with a polished wooden door – currently closed – in the center. Just tightening his gut in preparation [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapter 1

  Earth: August 1999   Chapter 1: Encounter in an Alley This was a stupid, stupid idea. Xavier glanced back. Of course, they're behind me too. The oldest member of the gang was maybe two or three years older than Xavier; the youngest, maybe fourteen, a year younger. But there were at least fifteen or twenty of them, and only one of him. "So is this where I say I don't want any trouble, and one of you says 'too bad'?" he said. There was a dumpster to one side. If I can at least get over there, the wall and the dumpster cover [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors 1: Choosing the Players, Prologue

Here's the first of several samples of my newly-published novel Choosing the Players!   THE SPIRIT WARRIORS Book 1: Choosing the Players By Ryk E. Spoor   Prologue: Witness to the End Zarathan: 500,000 years ago "Should I be leaving?" Khoros said, looking somewhat up at his host. "Oh, pfft," the gigantic Toad said airily. "It's been quieter down in the great City for a week now. Don't know what got into those Sauran's heads, but I'm sure they're all feeling silly about their ideas of rebellion. Rebellion [ Continue reading... ]

Kickstarter for The Apocalypse Maidens is LIVE!

A Kickstarter for The Apocalypse Maidens, the sequel to my mahou shoujo senshi novel Princess Holy Aura, is now underway. As of this writing there are 26 days left in the Kickstarter and we've a long way to go. I know this isn't a good time of year for Kickstarters, but I'd really like to get this underway, having just finished up all the deliveries for my prior Kickstarter for Shadows of Hyperion. Please back the Kickstarter if you can, and/or spread the word to anywhere on social media you think people might see it! The link [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 9

An encounter with a villain... -----   Chapter 9. Oasis' gut seethed with nausea and acid fire, staring at the urbanely smiling face. Though different in detail, the smile, the cadence of that voice was all too familiar, and brought back echoes of the nightmare on Hyperion Station.   Through the other part of herself, the not-quite-separate yet not-quite-merged Kimberley, aka "K", she got fury and fear that intensified her reaction. I'm actually trembling, so furious and terrified that my body's [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 8

Oasis and Wu get an assignment! ------   Chapter 8. "Oh, that's just perfect," Ariane said, and Wu Kung thought he could see the sarcasm dripping from the last word. "Maria-Susanna's a Shadeweaver, or on her way to being one, Byto might have been killed over Hyperion, and Fairchild's disappeared in a way that indicates he's already got allies."   "Yeah, it's just a cornucopia of great news," DuQuesne said, grinning blackly. "What about on your end, Captain? Got anything to take the edge off?"   She shot a [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 7

  Simon gets a date, gets some news, and gets an idea! -----   Chapter 7. The door chime finally drew his attention; Simon said "Come in," absently, while still focused on the tri-display in front of him.   "Since you were taking a break today," Oasis' voice came from behind him, "I thought we might –"   Feeling his face flaming scarlet, Simon hit the off control on the little console.   But by the raised eyebrow and widening grin on Oasis' face, he knew he'd been a split-second too [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 6

DuQuesne conducts an interesting experiment, and a discussion with Orphan about a dead Champion... ------   Chapter 6. Orphan held his head slightly tilted, one hand absently stroking his crest on that side. "Please repeat that, Doctor DuQuesne. I want to be sure I understand what you are asking."   "I want to find out if I can read your mind – with your permission. Telepathy, in other words. The ability to directly make contact with another mind through no physical intermediary or technological aid such as the [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 5

There's been a murder, and DuQuesne was right there.. -----   Chapter 5. "You're back!" Ariane exclaimed as DuQuesne appeared in the doorway. Then, seeing how the massive frame sagged, she ran to him, caught his hands in hers. "You look terrible, Marc."   "I feel terrible. Klono and Noshabkeming, I feel terrible." The way he muttered off the outmoded Hyperion curses without so much as a selfconscious twitch told her just how bad it was. She exchanged glances with Wu Kung, as her bodyguard helped DuQuesne in, and saw [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 4

And it's time to introduce a new complication... -----   Chapter 4. DuQuesne watched as electrical sparks crawled around Davia's hand, and pretended not to see the tears trickling down the young-looking face.   They were sitting in a private meeting room. The main part of the debrief, summarizing the events of the last year or so from the crew's point of view, had taken quite a bit of time, but Ariane had decided that the more personal parts of the debrief, especially the revelation that the Hyperions were gifted [ Continue reading... ]