Axanar, CBS, and Intellectual Property: My View

Unless you've been living under a metaphorical rock – or don't care at all about IP issues, which is admittedly a fairly large number of people – you've probably heard of the Axanar-CBS lawsuit. Axanar is the title of a fan-produced Star Trek-based film, intended to show a portion of the TOS (The Original Series) universe history which was only alluded to in the actual series – the Battle of Axanar. The team producing Axanar had produced an extremely high-quality short as a sort of proof-of-concept, titled Prelude to Axanar. A Kickstarter for [ Continue reading... ]

On My Shelves: Star Trek: Into Darkness

       One of two movies I missed in the theaters which I got as Christmas gifts, Star Trek: Into Darkness is the second in the rebooted Star Trek franchise which kicks the past of the Trekverse slightly in order to give the filmmakers the ability to re-use – or not – any element of the original without having to justify it through prior canon. As I thought when first seeing Star Trek 2009, this was the precisely correct choice. Trying to reboot and adhere to prior nonsensically inconsistent "canon" would be a fool's game, and NOT [ Continue reading... ]

On My Shelves: Galaxy Quest

    "By Grabthar's hammer… by the suns of Warvan… you shall be avenged!"           Galaxy Quest is a parody and tribute to the original Star Trek (with some added flavoring from Next Generation). For those unaware of the basic "setup", it takes place in a world like this one, in which the famous classic SF TV show was called "Galaxy Quest" which featured a fancy starship called the NESA Protector which had a crew featuring a womanizing captain, an alien science officer, and a token female communi... er, comPUTER officer,, and [ Continue reading... ]

Under the Influence: Star Trek: The Original Series

    "Space… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds… to seek out new life and new civilizations… to boldly go where no man has gone before."        There is perhaps no piece of science fiction more well-known, more roundly mocked, and more completely loved, than Star Trek, the original series. Today it may often seem quaint, old-fashioned, sometimes even wince-inducing, but in its day it was a groundbreaking and shining example of what [ Continue reading... ]