Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 8

Oasis and Wu get an assignment! ------   Chapter 8. "Oh, that's just perfect," Ariane said, and Wu Kung thought he could see the sarcasm dripping from the last word. "Maria-Susanna's a Shadeweaver, or on her way to being one, Byto might have been killed over Hyperion, and Fairchild's disappeared in a way that indicates he's already got allies."   "Yeah, it's just a cornucopia of great news," DuQuesne said, grinning blackly. "What about on your end, Captain? Got anything to take the edge off?"   She shot a [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 5

There's been a murder, and DuQuesne was right there.. -----   Chapter 5. "You're back!" Ariane exclaimed as DuQuesne appeared in the doorway. Then, seeing how the massive frame sagged, she ran to him, caught his hands in hers. "You look terrible, Marc."   "I feel terrible. Klono and Noshabkeming, I feel terrible." The way he muttered off the outmoded Hyperion curses without so much as a selfconscious twitch told her just how bad it was. She exchanged glances with Wu Kung, as her bodyguard helped DuQuesne in, and saw [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 4

And it's time to introduce a new complication... -----   Chapter 4. DuQuesne watched as electrical sparks crawled around Davia's hand, and pretended not to see the tears trickling down the young-looking face.   They were sitting in a private meeting room. The main part of the debrief, summarizing the events of the last year or so from the crew's point of view, had taken quite a bit of time, but Ariane had decided that the more personal parts of the debrief, especially the revelation that the Hyperions were gifted [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 3

Time to move on -- and meet a new Hyperion! -----   Chapter 3. "That is … unwelcome news," Simon said, studying Wu Kung with a sour, sinking feeling in his gut. "You are certain?"   The Hyperion Monkey King grimaced. "Why do people always ask that? Would I say it that way if I were not? Yes, I am certain, as certain as you could tell me that I am wearing my robes! I can see your soul, and you have damaged it badly, about as badly as Ariane's." He raised both eyebrows. "Why are you upset, though? I thought you did not [ Continue reading... ]

Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 1

And we begin the fourth novel in the Arenaverse! ------ SHADOWS of HYPERION Fourth in the Arenaverse Series     Chapter 1. "Ariane! Ariane, wake up!"   The voice was vaguely familiar, echoing out of the red-tinged blackness of pain.   "Ariane, can you hear me? Dammit, where's Gabrielle?"   "You don't look too well either, Marc. Sit down!"   That… that was Oasis. Marc?   She made an effort to open her eyes and say something; a vague moan was the [ Continue reading... ]

On Writing: The Danger of Metawriting, OR, How I Wrote A Book That Did Exactly What I Wanted And Screwed It Up Anyway

The Arenaverse novels – Grand Central Arena, Spheres of Influence, and now Challenges of the Deeps – are inarguably my most successful solo novels. Grand Central Arena itself has continued to bring in significant amounts of money for me even now, seven years after release. I'm also very proud of the Arenaverse itself; developing it was, and continues to be, a huge challenge. One of the Arenaverse's key aspects from a writer's and reader's point of view, of course, is that it is not merely a story but a salute to, and occasional commentary [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 24

It's Ariane's turn to find out what's waiting for her... -----   Chapter 24.      Ariane stumbled to a halt, mouth dropping open, eyes wider than they had been since she was a child. The old man – who didn't look so old now, to a girl ten years older – smiled broadly at her and held his arms wide. "Hey there, racer girl!" I thought I was prepared. Boy, was I wrong, a part of her thought. That part, Captain Ariane Austin, Leader, knew perfectly well that this was – had to be – just an unexpected guise of Orphan's mysterious [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 20

Ariane and company were now in the Deeps... -----   Chapter 20.      "Orphan, we're being followed." The tall alien was beside her almost instantly. "Are you certain, Ariane Austin?" "Pretty sure. See these returns? And using the rear telescopes I thought I saw a couple glints where that cloudbank thinned out." Orphan straightened, stroking his headcrest in the way he often did when thinking. "This is an excellent place for an ambush. We are actually heading for another of the Sky Gates that – as far as I am aware – only I know [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 16

Orphan had an explanation to give... -----   Chapter 16.      "To use a human expression that's probably going to be interesting in translation, Orphan, we're all ears," Ariane said. Orphan tilted his head. "That... was an interesting expression indeed. But I get the gist of the meaning." He stood, leaning back against a railing in front of the actual viewport, silhouetted against the planet-sized whirlpool of cloud and storm ahead. "It begins many, many years ago, when I signed on for an expedition to the Deeps headed by a [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 11

Sun Wu Kung had won the race... -----   Chapter 11.      Even as Wu crossed the finish line, he was suddenly there in front of Ariane, skidding to a halt not three meters from the table at which DuQuesne and his opponent were seated, surrounded by rank upon rank of spectators, silent, staring, frozen in disbelief and shock. Even though she had been warned, Ariane was herself still in a state of utter awe. DuQuesne had said Wu was better than him. But this… And then the silence broke and a roar of applause, of furious curses and [ Continue reading... ]