The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapters 2 and 3

Let's see what happens with Xavier now that strange things have started... ------   Chapter 2: Rescue and Remembrance Xavier blinked himself slowly awake. A room he didn't recognize. Carefully fitted stonework, painted in a pattern of sunset colors that made the room feel warmer, comforting. A soft bed under him, one that smelled new-washed. His head was slightly elevated, and looking ahead he could see the wall, also of stone with a polished wooden door – currently closed – in the center. Just tightening his gut in preparation [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapter 1

  Earth: August 1999   Chapter 1: Encounter in an Alley This was a stupid, stupid idea. Xavier glanced back. Of course, they're behind me too. The oldest member of the gang was maybe two or three years older than Xavier; the youngest, maybe fourteen, a year younger. But there were at least fifteen or twenty of them, and only one of him. "So is this where I say I don't want any trouble, and one of you says 'too bad'?" he said. There was a dumpster to one side. If I can at least get over there, the wall and the dumpster cover [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors 1: Choosing the Players, Prologue

Here's the first of several samples of my newly-published novel Choosing the Players!   THE SPIRIT WARRIORS Book 1: Choosing the Players By Ryk E. Spoor   Prologue: Witness to the End Zarathan: 500,000 years ago "Should I be leaving?" Khoros said, looking somewhat up at his host. "Oh, pfft," the gigantic Toad said airily. "It's been quieter down in the great City for a week now. Don't know what got into those Sauran's heads, but I'm sure they're all feeling silly about their ideas of rebellion. Rebellion [ Continue reading... ]