The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapters 2 and 3

Let's see what happens with Xavier now that strange things have started... ------   Chapter 2: Rescue and Remembrance Xavier blinked himself slowly awake. A room he didn't recognize. Carefully fitted stonework, painted in a pattern of sunset colors that made the room feel warmer, comforting. A soft bed under him, one that smelled new-washed. His head was slightly elevated, and looking ahead he could see the wall, also of stone with a polished wooden door – currently closed – in the center. Just tightening his gut in preparation [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors: Choosing the Players, Chapter 1

  Earth: August 1999   Chapter 1: Encounter in an Alley This was a stupid, stupid idea. Xavier glanced back. Of course, they're behind me too. The oldest member of the gang was maybe two or three years older than Xavier; the youngest, maybe fourteen, a year younger. But there were at least fifteen or twenty of them, and only one of him. "So is this where I say I don't want any trouble, and one of you says 'too bad'?" he said. There was a dumpster to one side. If I can at least get over there, the wall and the dumpster cover [ Continue reading... ]

The Spirit Warriors 1: Choosing the Players, Prologue

Here's the first of several samples of my newly-published novel Choosing the Players!   THE SPIRIT WARRIORS Book 1: Choosing the Players By Ryk E. Spoor   Prologue: Witness to the End Zarathan: 500,000 years ago "Should I be leaving?" Khoros said, looking somewhat up at his host. "Oh, pfft," the gigantic Toad said airily. "It's been quieter down in the great City for a week now. Don't know what got into those Sauran's heads, but I'm sure they're all feeling silly about their ideas of rebellion. Rebellion [ Continue reading... ]

Just For Fun: What I Have Planned

A version of this column was one of my All-Patron rewards well over a year ago; I thought it might be of interest here. Minor edits were done for things that have changed since that time. Stories I Have Planned I have a lot of novels in various stages of planning, ranging from essentially finished/in progress to "I've sketched out the idea". This will cover the range – though it doesn't in any way cover *ALL* the ideas I'm working on. Does NOT include things I have contracted with Baen as collaborations with Eric Flint. If you feel inclined, [ Continue reading... ]

Phoenix Ascendant: Chapter 16

Xavier and his friends finally tell something about their adventures...   -----     Chapter 16.      Poplock watched from his perch on one of the unlit candleholders, nibbling on a thimbleberry, as the others slowly filtered in. Xavier practically leaped back into his chair and started eating. "You know," said the Toad, "you seem to eat like twice as much as everyone else." "Yeah," Xavier mumbled around a mouthful of crispwing, "my sensei said something about that being a consequence of burning more energy than [ Continue reading... ]