Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 18

Holly had made a friend, so let's go forward a bit in time...     Chapter 18.      "I push the door open slowly," Seika said, miming the action across the broad table. Her voice echoed in the mostly deserted cafeteria, giving an appropriate overtone to her words. Holly glanced at the other three members of the Steampunk Adventure Club. "Any of you doing anything while the Countess opens the door?" Caitlin Modofori shrugged. "Iron Jake's got his flux baton ready, but other than that he's just watching." "By my [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 17

Well, Holly had made a new friend... -----     Chapter 17.      "Wow," Seika said, looking around. "Nice house!" "It's a little big," Holly said. "I mean, for me and Dad. But everywhere we've lived we ended up finding some way to fill the space, so Dad said—" "—this time we'll make sure there's always enough space," Trayne Owen's voice finished. "Hey, Dad," she said, noticing how that phrase was actually becoming normal, and trying not to let the Steve part of her freak out, "This is Seika, Seika, this is my dad Trayne [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 16

Well, Holly was finally going to school... -----     Chapter 16. "Hey, um, Holly?" Holly looked up to see another girl looking uncertainly down at her. Black girl, average height, just a little heavy, big poofy hair she's forced into two huge ponytails . . . dammit, brain, give me her name! Steve knew he was usually bad with names, so he'd been working on trying to do some mnemonic associations with the classmates he'd heard the names of. Hair wasn't tied back, looked like a starburst first day, name was strange, and [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 15

Holly had had a bit of a jolt at the end of her first day of school... -----     Chapter 15. "Holly, calm down and tell me what is wrong!" Trayne Owen struggled to keep from losing control and reverting to Silvertail. "You walked in the door and started talking so fast I can't make heads or tails of—" "Dex is at my school!" she said, voice unsteady. "He was right there, getting on the bus, my God I was so lucky he didn't look at me, but he could have and someday he will and—" "Holly!" he shouted. She jumped and fell [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 14

Today, our hero Holly faces her most daunting challenge yet: High School! ----- PART II: AWAKENING THE MAIDENS   Chapter 14.      She stood in the cool September morning, watching as the yellow school bus grumbled its way up to her driveway, and felt an eerie sense of frightened déjà vu. It had been almost twenty years since the last time Stephen Russ had boarded such a bus, and the memories of that and earlier bus rides wasn't a pleasant memory to recall. Maybe I should've talked about that with Silvertail. The faint whiff of diesel [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 13

Even heroes can get a case of nerves before a big day...   -----     Chapter 13. "Holly? You need to go to sleep!" Mr. Owen said, looking in and seeing her sitting at her computer. Holly sighed, tried to smile and failed. "I can't sleep, Dad . . . Silvertail." The confusion that had made her change the name she used threatened to overwhelm her. Sometimes I almost forget being Steve Russ, and that terrifies me beyond words. He sat down in one of the other chairs, pushing back the graying black hair that needed a [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 12

Why don't we take a look at the OTHER side in this conflict? -----     Chapter 12. The door opened. The shape that stood outlined in the faint light from the hallway was subtly wrong; something about the length of arm, joints, stance, said this was nothing that belonged in so mundane a place. But despite its alien nature, it hesitated, unsure. "What news?" The voice from within the room was a warm contralto. At first, a human might have found it welcoming. But beneath the voice was something else, as inhuman as the figure [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 11

Something had interrupted Holly and Trayne's day out...   -----     Chapter 11. Holly dove reflexively to the side, rolling and pushing herself up against the wall, and saw Silvertail—Mr. Owen—already in the corner. The black mass flowed, an avalanche of night, and abruptly red and blue and yellow eyes appeared along the shapeless flanks, uncountable mouths opened, and a gibbering laughter echoed from them all, in voices from ear-piercingly high to basso profundo growls that shuddered through the air. The tide of [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura

Holly Owen was practicing being herself...   -----     Chapter 10.      "Nice to get out of the house!" Holly said, probably for the fourth time in the last hour now that she thought of it. But it was true. The last few weeks had been spent mostly indoors, practicing the many different aspects of just being a teenage girl . . . and learning the pitfalls. These included mundane annoyances like finding that a five-foot-seven-inch teenage girl couldn't reach shelves that Stephen Russ at over six feet had no trouble [ Continue reading... ]

Princess Holy Aura: Chapter 9

They moved out, it's obvious they need to move IN somewhere... -----   Chapter 9.      Steve looked around the huge furnished basement again, trying to distract himself from what he was about to do. "Dang, I still can't believe we're living in this place. Thousands of square feet, including this, what, cut-price Danger Room?" "Call it a practice room or perhaps dojo," Silvertail, who was now in the shape of 'Trayne Owen'—a tall, slender, distinguished looking gentleman with black hair touched with pure silver at the temples, [ Continue reading... ]
