Demons of the Past:Revelation, Chapter 30

And we conclude our snippets of this volume of Demons with an extremely important chapter! -----     Chapter 30. Varan: Torline's Swords, it's been a long day. I thought. Now I get to rest. I headed wearily for my cabin. My Captain's cabin. That did manage to bring a faint smile to my lips still. Other things… I was still awfully conflicted. The depression at my loss wasn't going to go any time soon, that was for sure. I wondered if I'd managed to hide that from Taelin. It wasn't something I could talk about, so I had to hope so. [ Continue reading... ]

Demons of the Past: Revelation, Chapter 23

Sasham Varan had a really big problem... (this chapter is crucial for understanding what happens to Varan over the next few chapters) -----   Chapter 23. Varan: "Evaluation you ready for are," Dr. Sooovickalassa said. That was, in a way, a relief. The past few days had been filled with hidden tension – tension mostly on my part, but I sensed there was some for the R'Thann exile as well. Given the conversation I'd partly overheard, I wasn't surprised. Failure to produce the desired results and an inclination to arguing was [ Continue reading... ]