Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 13

Preparations for departure are underway... -----     Chapter 13.      "Not taking Zounin-Ginjou?" Simon asked, looking at the relatively small craft – no more than fifty meters long – that was sitting at the end of the berth the Liberated were assigned. "Later," Orphan said, carefully checking the exterior of his ship. "If all three of us took Zounin-Ginjou from here, too many eyes would note the departure; this is a short range vessel, the sort used for brief jaunts from point to point." "With your permission," said [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 12

And what do you do after winning a race? A party, that's what! -----   Chapter 12.      "As always, a fine celebration," Orphan said, observing Wu Kung trying to imitate a whirling dance by three of the Genasi, while a laughing crowd of a dozen species watched the performance. "Afterward, however, would I be correct to hope that you and Captain Austin will be free?" "You mean, to go on your little jaunt into the back end of nowhere? That's the plan," DuQuesne answered. He had noticed the tall alien had a particularly cheerful [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 11

Sun Wu Kung had won the race... -----   Chapter 11.      Even as Wu crossed the finish line, he was suddenly there in front of Ariane, skidding to a halt not three meters from the table at which DuQuesne and his opponent were seated, surrounded by rank upon rank of spectators, silent, staring, frozen in disbelief and shock. Even though she had been warned, Ariane was herself still in a state of utter awe. DuQuesne had said Wu was better than him. But this… And then the silence broke and a roar of applause, of furious curses and [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 10

Wu Kung was apparently in trouble... -----   Chapter 10.      Wu Kung landed in a crouch-and roll, came to his feet in the precise center of the platform, saw the figures – one Dujuin rhino-like creature, two Daalasan like armored frog-men, and one spidery Milluk in the silvery Arena armor – appear from nothing around him. Adjudicators! The Arena's own peacekeepers! Then he heard Orphan's quiet despair, and rose to his feet, grinning savagely, baring his fangs to the Adjudicators as they raised their own weapons. "I gave my word to [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 9

Time to look in on DuQuesne and see how he's doing... -----   Chapter 9.      "Draw two," DuQuesne said, evaluating his cards. Nothing impressive in this hand. I need a break. The two cards passed to him turned out to be a Sky Gate and a Nexus Gateway. With the Inner Gateway and Outer Gate I have, that at least makes a decent run. "Bet 5 points," he said, not without trepidation. That's half of what I've got left. He could see Orphan, absently stroking his high head-crest in a nervous fashion, sitting near Ariane; Laila Canning [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 8

The long-awaited Challenge is about to start! ------     Chapter 8. "Boy, Tunuvun," Wu Kung said, "This is going to be fun!" He couldn't keep from bouncing up and down on his feet, staring out at what Ariane had pronounced in disbelief to be "a triathlon on full enhancers!" He and Tunuvun stood at the top of a mountain – that ended abruptly at a wall behind them! – and looked out upon a racecourse that could only be possible in a place like the Arena. Or, he noted with a momentary pang of sadness, at home. The bittersweet [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 7

If you haven't played a game before, you'd better practice it a bit prior to a species-critical Challenge... -----     Chapter 7.      "I yield the play, Dr. DuQuesne; once more you have outmatched me." Orphan tipped his remaining cards into the dump-bucket. "Anyone else still in?" he asked the others, looking around the conference-room-turned-simulated Arena. A shadowy holographic display showed several simulated runners speeding along a course, overcoming various obstacles. "Not me," Oasis said promptly. "I know Marc too [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 6

Simon had a theory to test.. -----     Chapter 6.      Simon stood on the bridge of Paksenarrion and gazed outward. I do not think I will ever grow fully accustomed, let alone jaded, to this. The great warship – one of several gifted to Humanity by the Liberated – was cruising now many thousands of kilometers away from the Sphere of Humanity, so far out that the Sphere itself was but a shadow in the gloom, its Luminaire a fuzzy circle of dimmed brightness. On every side flowed and eddied incredible banks of cloud – white and [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 5

Sharp-eyed readers will notice there's one edit that needs to be done in this chapter; missed it when I changed something during the writing process. So Simon had something to tell Ariane... ------   Chapter 5.      "All, right, Simon; you insisted we have breakfast in private today," Ariane said; per Simon's request, she'd even had Wu Kung stay outside the meeting room. "What is so important?" Simon was uncharacteristically sober; his usual smile was a shadow of its normal self. "I would have brought this up yesterday, but by the [ Continue reading... ]

Challenges of the Deeps: Chapter 4

Ariane and Wu had found themselves involved in a Challenge that wasn't even Humanity's...   -----   Chapter 4.      "That might not have been the best choice, Ariane," DuQuesne said somberly. Simon was puzzled by the gravity in his voice. Reflexively, he glanced around the meeting room, but there was no one present except the members of the "core group", as Simon thought of it – DuQuesne, Ariane, Simon himself, Laila, Carl, and the newcomers Oasis and Wu Kung. "Do you think Wu might lose? Or is there some other [ Continue reading... ]