French Roast Apocalypse: Chapter 14

We had a different point of view at the beginning; it's time to start finding out what happened to him... -----   Chapter 14. Dublin, Ireland, 2010 Pitch darkness, tempered only with the whirl and thunder of sea against shore. Cool salty air kissed his cheeks. He wasn’t sure where he was as he came to himself, only that he was floating in dark, and arms held him tight as he was gently carried. His head ached when he moved it, and there was an emptiness inside of him he couldn’t explain. Fingers touched his head as the hold on him [ Continue reading... ]

French Roast Apocalypse: Prologue

This begins snippets of French Roast Apocalypse, the first book in the Fall of Veils series by Kathleen Moffre-Spoor and myself. This is an unusual urban fantasy style series which I can sorta describe as "Supernatural meets Being Human meets Cheers, if Cheers was in a coffee bar". The series combines the day-to-day lives of beings normally called "monsters" as they try to live in our world without drawing attention with underlying plots and events that call for action to protect individuals, cities, and perhaps even the world itself. I hope [ Continue reading... ]